Jeremy has been married to his high school sweetheart, Samantha, since 2005 (they met in 1999). They have three children: daughter Jade and sons Gavin and Quinn. Jeremy always considers himself a father and partner first, everything else second.
After a successful career in retail management, Jeremy returned to school to complete a Master's in Education. He has experience as an educator with the School District of Philadelphia, JobCorps, and Together We Can Foundation. He currently works as a substitute teacher in Chesapeake Public Schools. Jeremy is also an active member of the Chesapeake Education Association.
Jeremy has spent time volunteering in the City of Chesapeake as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for children, soft skills educator for disconnected youth, and as a coach in Chesapeake Little League and the YMCA of South Hampton Roads. He is also the co-founder of Pride in the 'Peake, Chesapeake's first annual Pride event.
With his first book published in 2011, Jeremy started his career as a middle grade fantasy/sci-fi author and publisher. He has over a dozen publications with several full-length novels in his Toonopolis world as well as numerous examples of short fiction published in various anthologies.